Company information
Our representative, Ron Hashiguchi, is an art production company established in 2007 as a venture company from Shizuoka University after graduating from Shizuoka Graduate School. "Venture company from Shizuoka University" is a title given only to companies established by graduates or faculty members of Shizuoka University and approved by the university.
Member organizations Shizuoka University venture companies
Company name Spray Art Exin Co., Ltd.
Representative Director Hashiguchi
Established July 2007
Address 〒432-8013 2-38-7 Hirosawa, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka
Capital 6 million yen
Major banks Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
Business content Custom-made art planning and production
1. Corporate Philosophy "Industrialization of Art"
・ A company that tackles social issues through art
・ A company that gives dreams to people all over the world through art
・ A company that gives dreams to children who like painting through art
2. Connection with the university
What is a venture company from Shizuoka University?
Under the certification system of Shizuoka University, the university recognizes business activities as a university-launched venture. Universities offer free consultations on market development and fund procurement to university-launched venture companies. We have no capital relationship with Shizuoka University, and we utilize the following support system and conduct business with respect for the opinions of the university.
Shizuoka University Innovation and Joint Research Center TEL 053-478-1713
・ Introduction of venture companies from Shizuoka University Click here
Attribution of copyright and know-how
Mikkel Art is a registered trademark of Spray Art Exin Co., Ltd. All copyrights and know-how of the designs developed and produced belong to us.
3. Representative
Representative Director Ron Hashiguchi HASHIGUCHI RIN
Director of Hospital Art Promotion Association
2001 Entered the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shizuoka University
In 2002, he met spray art in Canada, where he studied abroad for a short period of time, and after returning to Japan, he taught himself art.
2005 Graduated from Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shizuoka University
2007 Completed the master's program at the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Shizuoka University
Established Spray Art Exin Co., Ltd., a venture company from Shizuoka University
2010 Mickel Art Development
2013 Japan Dementia Care Society Ishizaki Award
2014 Japan Dementia Prevention Society Urakami Award
My name is Ron Hashiguchi, the representative of Spray Art Exgin Co., Ltd., a venture company from Shizuoka University. I founded this company with the desire to "solve social problems through art." When I got a job to draw a mural for a long-term care facility, a user of that facility said, "I want you to draw my memories as well." This led me to wonder if it would be possible to solve both the care that users really want and the problems that the long-term care industry has (especially the shortage of human resources). Mickel (= find) art was born in this way. Mickel art is drawn in colors and touches that are easy for the elderly to see, and the subjects are various, such as "living room," "nostalgic hometown scenery," and "scenes that can be seen in each season," and the number exceeds 2000. .. The biggest feature is that every detail of the picture is devised to bring out the conversation naturally. Since it is possible to bring out conversations with just one picture, it is highly evaluated as a "dementia program that even new staff can do" without choosing a user. So far, the dementia prevention effect of Mickel Art has been announced at academic conferences every year, including joint research with Tokyo Medical and Dental University.
<Click here for Hashiguchi's blog>
Work introduction
~ We are working on art production that meets the needs of our customers ~
特別養護老人ホーム 遠州の園様ホーム全体をアートでコーティネートさせて頂きました。 | エントランス『 茶畑 』静岡県磐田市には、お茶畑がたくさんあります。 | エントランス『茶畑』透き通った朝日が差し込む風景をご依頼頂きました。 |
茶の葉、一枚一枚実際の茶の葉と同じ大きさで描いています。 | モニュメント後ろにあるモニュメントは、磐田市の歴史を1冊の本にまとめています。 | 廊下の松並木各階に春夏秋冬を描いています。 |
廊下の絵をきっかけにご入居された皆様に、松の樹のように、力強く過ごして頂きたいという想い描きました。 | ツバメ絵の中には、こっそり隠し絵も入れています。。 | 磐田市の歴史絵巻地域の歴史、文化、伝統を描いています。 |
磐田市の歴史絵巻ご家族様とご入居者様の会話のきっかけづくりとして | 細かく、温かく磐田市の魅力をまとめました。 | 次郎柿磐田市は『次郎柿』という柿が有名です。 |
老木でありながらイキイキとしなる柿の木、そこにずっしりと大きな実を描きました。 | IMG_3791 | 有料老人ホーム 櫻乃苑様桜をモチーフにしたモザイクアートです。 |
コミュニティスペース会話のきっかけになるように、ミッケルアートがあります。 | 浜名湖の桜ホームの入居者様に馴染みのある風景も描きました。 | M邸ガレージ 『 波 』波を取材するためにハワイに行き、描きました。スプレーアートの作品で、一番の仕上がりです。 |
有料老人ホームの『だまし絵』4階建に巨大な壁画。レンガも一つ一つ描かれています。 | 日本橋人形町 大黒様老舗の『人形焼』の店舗様にご依頼頂きました。 | 保育園でミッケルアート子供たちの探究心をくすぐります |
浅草 雷おこし様約30回通って描いた思い出深い『金龍』の壁画です。 | ドイツ ブレーメン日本の商店街の企画として現地でライブペイントを行いました。 | 歌舞伎このキャンバスを現地に運ぶ事が一番苦労しました。。。 |
チャリティーイベントライブペイントで売れたものはチャリティーに募金させて頂きました。 | 建築設計事務所の壁画色見について、一番学ばせて頂いた現場です。 | 有料老人ホーム 『石川五右衛門』私らしさが一番出た作品です。 |
4. Research system
We are conducting joint research with Tokyo Medical and Dental University and other institutions so that elderly people can grasp the effects of recollecting the past from pictures with quantified data.
Joint research results (April 1, 2013-March 31, 2017)
Professor Yayoi Saito / Graduate School of Health Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Technical advisor
Fumiyasu Yamada / / Professor Emeritus, Shizuoka University Statistical Analysis
Research Advisor
We ask each specialist to cooperate according to the research theme.
Example) Elderly Society Research Institute 2013 Research Grant Program
・ Kumiko Nagata / Tokyo Dementia Research and Training Center
・ Dr. Yukimitsu Imai / Director of Wako Hospital
・ Koji Suzuki / Professor, Fujita Health University
・ Professor Yoshihiro Usami / Assistant Professor, Teikyo Heisei University
Research achievements
5. Social Contribution Project-Hospital Art Promotion Association-
What is the Hospital Art Promotion Association?
This project aims to hold free photo and art exhibitions at hospitals and facilities for the elderly, and to help the people who gather there smile as much as possible through heartwarming art. As part of our social contribution activities, this project is supported by various companies and individuals related to the medical and long-term care fields, as well as the support of creators. Our representative, Mr. Hashiguchi, also serves as a director of the Hospital Art Promotion Association.
Association overview
Association name Hospital Art Promotion Association
Year of establishment January 2014
Location 2-9 Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Inside Japan Shooter Co., Ltd.
Activity content Free exhibition of art works
Homepage here