
社会福祉法人春風会 社会福祉法人八生会 社会福祉法人せんねん村
社会福祉法人あすなろ会 社会福祉法人春生会 社会福祉法人さわらび会
医療法人参天会 社会福祉法人喜入会(敬称略・順不同)
September 2022
Using art educational program Mikkel strengths
Adopted to facilities and human resources abundance program
Training plan makes worker's career active in the long term
Is there such a problem?

✔︎ Long-term care work becomes work
✔︎ Staff turnover in the first and second years
✔︎ There are few aspiring leaders
"How to deal with users" is important!

In many long-term care facilities, labor shortages continue, so we are instructing newcomers to be ready for action.
However, because it is a work that involves people, if you do not understand how to deal with users, the long-term care work will gradually become a work.
In order to avoid such a situation, the staff themselves must be aware of how to deal with "people".
"Mikkel training" solves this problem.
3Features of Mikkel training
Using art educational program Mikkel strengths
Mikkel training can increase the number of "staff who can face users".

Reason why
In Mikkel training, anyone can learn advanced training contents in an easy-to-understand manner.
The reason is that even difficult content is expressed in an easy-to-understand manner using pictures .

↑ Text sample
(特別養護老人ホーム 50代 施設長様)
Types of Mickel training


① Training to improve conversation skills in one month
You will be able to expand the conversation with the user and imagine the feelings of the user.
Available from newcomers to veterans.
One month correspondence education system. 15,000 yen per person (excluding tax)
② Leader bite training
It's easy to learn the role of a leader, which inspires you to become a leader.
You can learn the attractiveness of leader positions, team care, PDCA, staff training methods, and meeting management methods.
This training condenses 500 pages of standard textbook for dementia long-term care leader training into 25 pages.
For staff who have been in the field for the third year or later.
Correspondence education system for 3 months. 20,000 yen per person (excluding tax)
③ Training to learn numerical evaluation
By easily learning the numerical evaluation method, you can eliminate the weakness in numerical evaluation. Recommended for corporations working on the scientific long-term care information system (LIFE).
Since you can face the user through the training, you can feel the charm of the long-term care worker again.
For staff who have been in the field for the third year or later.
4-month correspondence education system. 20,000 yen per person (excluding tax)
④ Training for foreign staff
You can learn Japanese culture, Japanese way of thinking, and independence support in an easy-to-understand manner.
For foreign staff. The Japanese used in the training text is N4 level.
Two-month correspondence education system. 30,000 yen per person (excluding tax)
これまでのリーダー研修は、理念やチームワークに関する内容が多く、研修後に、結局どのように活かせばいいかわかりませんでした。この研修は、どのプログラムも実践的な内容ばかりで、すぐに現場で実践することができました。プレイヤーとしてではなく、リーダーとしての役割をイメージすることができるようになりました。(特別養護老人ホーム 30代 ユニットリーダー様)
"Mikkel training / download materials" (free)

You can download materials that summarize Mikkel training in an easy-to-understand manner.
私たちの特養に合わせたオリジナルの研修プログラムを組んでいただきました。まず驚いたことは、職員が楽しそうに研修を受講していることです。受講者数が増えるにつれて、新人育成が上手な職員が増えてきました。これまですぐに上司に質問していた職員も、チームメンバーと話し合い、自己解決する事が増えてきました。少しずつ人財育成が体系化されてきたと実感しています。(特別養護老人ホーム 50代 施設長様)
Types of Mickel training

人気者研修は、利用者様と向き合う力を高めることがねらいです。利用者様主体の介護をイメ ージできるようになりましょう。人気者研修の⼀番のメリットは、職員様が原点回帰することです。
Case 1 For career advancement of long-term care staff
In the case of "Niko Niko Town Kiire" who is responsible for local social welfare in Kiire, Kagoshima City
At "Niko Niko Town Kiire", we provide specialized physical and mental training by a dedicated trainer along with individual function training by a physiotherapist so that a healthy and active life can be maintained forever. As a part of that, we have you incorporate Mickel art. As you can see on the website, Mikkel Art is carried out at each facility. As one of the career advancement of the long-term care staff, we have adopted the Mickel Art certification training. (42 people who have acquired Mickel Art Certification Level 1) Click here for the article
Types of Mickel training

LOVE LOVE研修を通して、数値評価の⽅法をわかりやすく理解していただけます。また、利⽤者様を深く知ることで、気づき⼒を⾼めることができます。自分のケアの効果を見える化することで、職員様は自分のケアに自信を持つことに繋がります。
Case 1 For career advancement of long-term care staff
In the case of "Niko Niko Town Kiire" who is responsible for local social welfare in Kiire, Kagoshima City
At "Niko Niko Town Kiire", we provide specialized physical and mental training by a dedicated trainer along with individual function training by a physiotherapist so that a healthy and active life can be maintained forever. As a part of that, we have you incorporate Mickel art. As you can see on the website, Mikkel Art is carried out at each facility. As one of the career advancement of the long-term care staff, we have adopted the Mickel Art certification training. (42 people who have acquired Mickel Art Certification Level 1) Click here for the article

Types of Mickel training

受 講者の声
Case 1 For career advancement of long-term care staff
In the case of "Niko Niko Town Kiire" who is responsible for local social welfare in Kiire, Kagoshima City
At "Niko Niko Town Kiire", we provide specialized physical and mental training by a dedicated trainer along with individual function training by a physiotherapist so that a healthy and active life can be maintained forever. As a part of that, we have you incorporate Mickel art. As you can see on the website, Mikkel Art is carried out at each facility. As one of the career advancement of the long-term care staff, we have adopted the Mickel Art certification training. (42 people who have acquired Mickel Art Certification Level 1) Click here for the article
Types of Mickel training


Case 1 For career advancement of long-term care staff
In the case of "Niko Niko Town Kiire" who is responsible for local social welfare in Kiire, Kagoshima City
At "Niko Niko Town Kiire", we provide specialized physical and mental training by a dedicated trainer along with individual function training by a physiotherapist so that a healthy and active life can be maintained forever. As a part of that, we have you incorporate Mickel art. As you can see on the website, Mikkel Art is carried out at each facility. As one of the career advancement of the long-term care staff, we have adopted the Mickel Art certification training. (42 people who have acquired Mickel Art Certification Level 1) Click here for the article
『 隙間時間で次世代リーダー育成ができるミッケル研修 』
Voice of students

Case 1 For career advancement of long-term care staff
In the case of "Niko Niko Town Kiire" who is responsible for local social welfare in Kiire, Kagoshima City
At "Niko Niko Town Kiire", we provide specialized physical and mental training by a dedicated trainer along with individual function training by a physiotherapist so that a healthy and active life can be maintained forever. As a part of that, we have you incorporate Mickel art. As you can see on the website, Mikkel Art is carried out at each facility. As one of the career advancement of the long-term care staff, we have adopted the Mickel Art certification training. (42 people who have acquired Mickel Art Certification Level 1) Click here for the article

人に物事を教えることに対して自信がない部分がありました。研修を通じて改めて自分自身の介護技術やコミュニケーションを見直すことができました。それを行ったことで、人に物事を教えることへの自信がつきました。一緒に受講したメンバーとも交流ができたのがよかったです。(特養 20代 ユニットリーダー様)

(特養 30代 ユニットリーダー様)
Course examples
社会福祉法人春風会 社会福祉法人八生会 社会福祉法人せんねん村
社会福祉法人あすなろ会 社会福祉法人春生会 社会福祉法人さわらび会
社会福祉法人かずさ萬燈会 医療法人参天会 社会福祉法人喜入会(敬称略・順不同)